Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Importance Of Intimacy And Its Relation On Well...

The importance behind intimacy and its relation to well-rounded relationships is something that is greatly misunderstood and not practiced by many people. The word intimacy is commonly misconstrued, when people think of intimacy or intimate relationships they often think of sex when in reality it is much more than that. According to Cox and Demmitt, being truly intimate with someone means â€Å"experiencing intense intellectual, emotional, and (when appropriate) physical communion with another human being† (2, 3). Intimate relationships are not limited to boyfriend and girlfriend or husband and wives (when using heterosexual relationships as an example) but also include family relationships of all sorts, relationships with friends, one’s own†¦show more content†¦Successful and beneficial relationships should offer both people a place for â€Å"communication of personal feelings, acceptance of personal limitations, respect for personal feelings, affirmation of one another, sharing of hurts and fears of being hurt, and forgiveness of errors† (42). Relationships can give us so much when taken seriously and in order for that to happen young adults and teenagers need to know how healthy relationships work and how to get there. According to Daniel Goldstein there are three stages of love: romantic, disappointment, and acceptance. When relationships first begins they generally give a feeling of excitement and newness. This is the first stage, Romantic, where everything about the other person is just perfect; one can say you have rose colored glasses on. After a while comes the stage of disappointment where suddenly their partner doesn’t seem to be as cute and perfect as they used to be, and if they can get over that and love them for who they are, then comes acceptance. This is usually when the relationship starts to get a little more serious and where good communication, commitment, and respect for each other really needs to come into play. In relationships its always important for both partners to feel loved and appreciated but while also allowing each other a place for honesty and openness. Although dating and relationships are a little confusing and not as established in this time, it is

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